Don't Fall Prey To The Bash Bug!

ShellShock Bash Bug

The Bash Bug is a problem which has recently been discovered with all computers, phones, home appliances, routers, and other devices running any variant or descendant of Unix or Linux. All Apple, Android, Cisco, D-Link, Linksys, and other similar devices may be vulnerable, as well as any devices on the same network.

Now is the perfect time for all of us to take a quick glance at the state of our security. Our technicians have prepared the following check-list of immediate action that we all need to take to make sure we are protected from this issue, and many more.


Tech 2U Security Check-List


Check ALL Computers and Devices On Your Network

    • Antivirus: ALL computers in your network should be secured with an effective anti-virus.
    • Firewall: ALL computers in your network should be protected by properly configured firewalls, as well as a properly configured router firewall.
    • Updates: All computers, cell phones, and other devices on your network should be configured to receive automatic updates and all updates should be properly installed.
    • Your Router: Unsecured routers can easily be infected by viruses and made to snoop and intercept your passwords and hijack your accounts.
      • Routers need to be configured with credentials so viruses can not modify your settings.
      • Wireless encryption should be set to WPA2-TKIP+AES with a strong password so your neighbors can’t use your internet and access your data.
      • Routers need to be updated to the most recent firmware. Lots of known issues and security holes can only be fixed this way!
      • uPnP should be disabled. This feature is usually enabled by default. It can be used by viruses to tell you router to let things through your security. The Department of Homeland Security has recommended that everyone immediately turns this off!

If any of your computers are not protected by anti-virus and a firewall, they can be host to viruses which intercept traffic and steal passwords and credit card information from your other computers and devices! IT’s very important that ALL your computers and devices be secured for this reason.

All Your Accounts: Online Banking, Social Networks, Email Accounts and Computer Login

  • All your accounts should have strong, unique passwords which are changed at least once every 90 days.
  • This can be a lot to keep track of. Try using a tool like LastPass to generate and securely store all your passwords. It will even type them in for you!
  • You should always use Two-Factor Login as much as possible, especially for accounts like; Banking, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Yahoo.

If you have any questions or need help going through this list,

please give us a call for a free conversation with a tech today!





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