Windows 10, Our Impressions So Far

Microsoft’s Windows 10 has been out for just shy of two weeks.  Despite the short time frame, Tech 2U already has a lot of experience with this new operating system.  During the months leading up to the launch, not only did we keep our eye on Windows 10 news, but we ran early access versions of it so we could get to know the nuts and bolts before its official release. So, it’s time for Windows 10, Our Impressions So Far:

Overall, it’s safe to say Tech 2U are big fans of Windows 10.  Like any new software, it has some quirks. But the positives far outweigh the negatives, and to sweeten the deal, it’s free (for eligible users).  Windows 10 has successfully merged the best aspects from Windows 7 and 8, and added some useful new features as well.  The start menu is back, and they’ve mixed in some Windows 8 style tiles off to the side of it. Cortana, a digital assistant included in Windows 10, works well. She stores your preferences (if you allow her to), sets reminders, and gives you recommendations.

Microsoft Edge, a brand new web browser, is also included.  In our opinion, this is a promising replacement for Internet Explorer, but still needs some work.  We’ve seen some sites that look great on Chrome, Firefox, and even Internet Explorer 11, that have stretched images, or other visual anomalies when viewed on Edge. But drawing on web pages and making notes are both intuitive and fun.  There is also a re-sizable screen capture in Microsoft Edge. So you can select any part of the screen that has your notes and drawings, or the entire screen, and share the captures easily.

Ever since launch, we’ve have a packed schedule.  This is our busiest time of the year, and we want to thank everyone that has chosen Tech 2U to help with their Windows 10 upgrades.  If you were waiting to see if upgrading to Windows 10 was a good idea, rest assured, it is.

If you would like help ensuring the upgrade goes smooth, your hardware is compatible, your machine is clean of viruses going in, and your data is backed up, call us to schedule an appointment. We can be reached at 1-888-931-0942. We’re here to help!

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