The Time For Windows 10 Is Now!

As of today, Windows 10 has now been available to the general public for over two months, and it has been available to techs for over a year. This upgrade makes your computer faster, safer and more stable. The best part is that for most people, this upgrade is free!

People often ask us, “Should I upgrade?

The answer is that you absolutely should.

BUT, if there is anything wrong with your computer before the upgrade, even if it is beneath the surface, it could cause major problems. So we recommend a FREE DIAGNOSTIC* from one of our expert techs. They will be able to take a free look at the computer for you and determine if there is anything that might cause problems during the upgrade.

Some of the features our customers have liked most with Windows 10;

  • Customizable Start Menu; did you prefer the Windows 7 start menu over Windows 8? You can have it your way with Windows 10!
  • Customizable Web Browsing: You can use the web browser of your choice. We recommend Google Chrome for speed, security and functionality; but you can use Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or even Microsoft’s speedy new Edge browser.
  • Cortana: This is a tool much like Apple’s Siri or Google’s Google Now. You will be able to ask your computer questions and have it answer you! It’s a very helpful new tool that comes free as part of Windows 10.
  • Security: Windows 10 is the safest and most secure version of Windows yet, and many speculate it is the safest operating system in history. It is chock full of new tools that protect the computer from viruses and hackers
  • Speed: This is also among the fastest and most efficient operating systems of all time. Despite having very low hardware requirements, Microsoft says that on their new Windows 10 devices with similar specs, Windows 10 is twice as fast as a Macbook Pro!

Call Today For A Free Diagnostic 

We will have you chatting with Cortana in no time!


Is Your Data Safe?

Even the safest and most secure operating system is not failure-proof on its own. Disaster can always strike as a result of hardware-failure or usage habits. This is why it is critical to have an off-site backup solution.

Cryptolocker, an infection that holds your data ransom,is back in force, and the tools that had previously prevented it are no longer working.  Even with the best antivirus software and the most secure operating system combined, something as simple as clicking on the wrong popup can infect your PC and hold your data for ransom.

A simple off-site backup solution, which requires little to no interaction, can protect you against such problems. Our techs will be able to offer you comprehensive security and peace of mind with an offsite backup complementing an effective antivirus to protect your computer from threats like cryptolocker.

Call Today For A Free Security Evaluation 

Our security experts are standing by!


*Free diagnostics apply to remote services or shop services only. Field services come with a minimum flat rate charge.

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