1590 Howe Ave,
Sacramento, CA 95825
Live in the Sacramento area and think you might have a rootkit on your computer? Tech 2U is the go to company for rootkit removals in Sacramento. A rootkit by definition is not necessarily malicious, but when they are, they can be tough to remove. This is because rootkit developers can be very clever.
The Malicious kind of rootkits can be installed automatically, at an administrator level. This makes it easier to hide its existence, and give it access to administrator privileges. With these privileges, the rootkit is able to modify programs, even ones that are built to detect it, essentially bypassing them.
But have no fear, Tech 2U can detect and eradicate these pesky programs. We’ve been cleaning malware off of computers in Sacramento for over 10 years. If you think you have a rootkit, any other type of malware, or really any other computer related problems, stop by one of our Sacramento area shops or give us a call and have us come out to you. Our headquarters is located at 1590 Howe Ave, Sacramento, 95825. Our phone number is 916-225-8324. We also have locations in Roseville and Gold River / Rancho Cordova.
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